Full Calendar

Display a full calendar in your nuxt app.

Getting Started

To get started, you can install the package with the following command:

npm install --save @fullcalendar/core @fullcalendar/vue3


You can also install the plugins for Full Calendar:

npm i @fullcalendar/daygrid @fullcalendar/interaction @fullcalendar/timegrid @fullcalendar/list @fullcalendar/multimonth @fullcalendar/scrollgrid


In order to make the calendar match the UI Thing theme, I had to create the full-calendar.css file and import it in the nuxt.config.ts file.

for css vars only.
these values are automatically known in all stylesheets.
the :root statement itself is only included in the common stylesheet.
this file is not processed by postcss when imported into the postcss-custom-properties plugin,
so only write standard css!

NOTE: for old browsers, will need to restart watcher after changing a variable

:root {
  --fc-small-font-size: theme(fontSize.sm);
  --fc-page-bg-color: theme(colors.background);
  --fc-neutral-bg-color: theme(colors.muted.DEFAULT);
  --fc-neutral-text-color: theme(colors.foreground);
  --fc-border-color: theme(colors.border);

  --fc-button-text-color: theme(colors.foreground);
  --fc-button-bg-color: theme(colors.background);
  --fc-button-border-color: theme(colors.input);
  --fc-button-hover-bg-color: theme(colors.accent.DEFAULT);
  --fc-button-hover-border-color: theme(colors.input);
  --fc-button-active-bg-color: theme(colors.accent.DEFAULT);
  --fc-button-active-border-color: theme(colors.input);

  --fc-event-bg-color: theme(colors.primary.DEFAULT);
  --fc-event-border-color: theme(colors.input);
  --fc-event-text-color: theme(colors.primary.foreground);
  --fc-event-selected-overlay-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);

  --fc-more-link-bg-color: #d0d0d0;
  --fc-more-link-text-color: inherit;

  --fc-event-resizer-thickness: 8px;
  --fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width: 8px;
  --fc-event-resizer-dot-border-width: 1px;

  --fc-non-business-color: rgba(215, 215, 215, 0.3);
  --fc-bg-event-color: rgb(143, 223, 130);
  --fc-bg-event-opacity: 0.3;
  --fc-highlight-color: theme(colors.primary.DEFAULT / 10%);
  --fc-today-bg-color: theme(colors.primary.DEFAULT / 10%);
  --fc-now-indicator-color: red;

  --fc-list-event-hover-bg-color: theme(colors.primary.DEFAULT / 10%);

/* Toolbar buttons */
.fc {
  .fc-button {
    @apply inline-flex h-10 items-center justify-center rounded-md px-3 text-sm font-medium capitalize;
    .fc-icon {
      @apply text-sm/none;
  .fc-button-primary {
    @apply focus:!shadow-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-ring focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-background;
    &.fc-button-active {
      @apply focus:shadow-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-ring focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-background;
/* Toolbar */
.fc .fc-toolbar {
  @apply grid gap-3 md:flex md:items-center md:justify-between;
  .fc-toolbar-chunk + .fc-toolbar-title {
    @apply order-1 md:order-none;
/* Toolbar title */
.fc .fc-toolbar-title {
  @apply text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight;
/* Calendar header cell */
.fc .fc-col-header-cell-cushion,
.fc .fc-timegrid-slot-label-cushion,
.fc .fc-timegrid-axis-cushion {
  @apply text-base/7 font-semibold;
/* Calendar: month day number */
.fc .fc-daygrid-day-number {
  @apply cursor-pointer text-base/7 font-medium;
.fc .fc-daygrid-month-start {
  @apply text-lg/7 font-semibold;
/* List text */
.fc-list-day-side-text {
  @apply text-base/7 font-semibold;
.fc-h-event .fc-event-main-frame {
  @apply items-center;
.fc .fc-list-event-time,
.fc .fc-event-time {
  @apply align-middle text-sm/none font-normal;
.fc .fc-event-time {
  @apply mr-2;

.fc .fc-list-event-title {
  @apply align-middle text-sm/none font-semibold;

/* Event inside month view */
.fc .fc-daygrid-event {
  @apply rounded-md font-medium;
.fc .fc-h-event .fc-event-main {
  @apply px-1;
/* MultiMonth */
.fc .fc-multimonth-multicol .fc-daygrid-more-link {
  @apply border-primary bg-primary text-[10px] leading-4 text-primary-foreground;

/* Mulimonth popup */
.fc-theme-standard .fc-popover {
  @apply rounded-md;

.fc-popover-header {
  @apply px-3;
  .fc-popover-title {
    @apply text-base/10 font-bold tracking-tight;


Month View

List View

TimeGrid View

MultiMonth View