
Re-usable components built using Radix-Vue & TailwindCSS. All inspired by shadcn/ui.

You copied shadcn/ui?

Yes, this is a copy of the shadcn/ui components but for Nuxt 3.

Why? There is already shadcn-vue

Well, I wanted to experiment and make something Nuxt 3 specific. I also wanted to see the kind of work involved in creating something of this magnitude. I also wanted to create a CLI that i can use on a regular :)

Overall, I wanted to learn and have fun in the process.

This is NOT a component library. It's a collection of re-usable components that you can copy and paste into your apps.

What do you mean by not a component library?

I mean you do not install it as a dependency. It is not available or distributed via npm.

Pick the components you need. Copy and paste the code into your project and customize to your needs. The code is yours.

Use this as a reference to build your own component libraries.

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