Border Beam
An animated beam of light which travels along the border of its container.
Shout out to Magic UI for the inspiration. I actually discovered this package while browsing their website.
Add Animation
You will need to add this to your tailwind.config.js
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
animation: {
"border-beam": "border-beam calc(var(--duration)*1s) infinite linear",
keyframes: {
"border-beam": {
"100%": {
"offset-distance": "100%",
Create Component
Create the component UiBorderBeam.vue
in the components
'--size': size,
'--duration': duration,
'--anchor': anchor,
'--border-width': borderWidth,
'--color-from': colorFrom,
'--color-to': colorTo,
'--delay': `-${delay}s`,
class="absolute inset-[0] rounded-[inherit] [border:calc(var(--border-width)*1px)_solid_transparent] ![mask-clip:padding-box,border-box] ![mask-composite:intersect] [mask:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),linear-gradient(white,white)] after:absolute after:aspect-square after:w-[calc(var(--size)*1px)] after:animate-border-beam after:[animation-delay:var(--delay)] after:[background:linear-gradient(to_left,var(--color-from),var(--color-to),transparent)] after:[offset-anchor:calc(var(--anchor)*1%)_50%] after:[offset-path:rect(0_auto_auto_0_round_calc(var(--size)*1px))]"
<script lang="ts">
export interface BorderBeamProps {
class?: string;
size?: number;
duration?: number;
borderWidth?: number;
anchor?: number;
colorFrom?: string;
colorTo?: string;
delay?: number;
<script lang="ts" setup>
withDefaults(defineProps<BorderBeamProps>(), {
size: 200,
duration: 15,
anchor: 90,
borderWidth: 1.5,
colorFrom: "#ffaa40",
colorTo: "#9c40ff",
delay: 0,
Just place the border beam component inside a div with relative positioning, width, and height. You will notice the beam automatically moves around the perimeter of it's container.